6 Ways to Create a Collected and Curated Home that Reflects your Family

Our homes are elemental to our lives, and as such should serve us well. Interior design sometimes gets a bad rap for selling the fantasy that a good home is a perfect home that is perfectly on trend. No so! A good home is one that uniquely expresses the people that call it home. Creating a curated home takes more than a formula - more than a catalog and more than the latest trends. Whether your budget is big or more modest, these are the tips we consistently come back to in both our own homes and those of our clients.

1. START WITH WHAT INSPIRES YOU - some travels that recall a particular color palette, a collection of vintage pottery, a favorite piece of art - anything you love can be a touchstone to drive you towards the feeling you want in your home. In one of my bathrooms, I shadowboxed a series of ocean corals that we found on various beaches in Mexico. I needed to keep the permanent fixtures neutral for resale purposes but really wanted an element of personality. A funky shower curtain that can be changed out when the mood strikes gives me the color I typically crave and the coral is a sweet reminder of past family times.

Seashell inspiration

2. LAYER - don’t be afraid to mix colors, patterns and texture. Interest comes from breaking out of formulaic decorating. Start by using your inspiration piece(s) and create your color palette from there.

Artwork Inspiration by Two Hands Interiors

We found these 3 pieces of artwork in Michigan and the way they pop off the yellow floral wallpaper adds so much interest to this room. Not to mention they connect the homeowners to their love of the water.


3. LET GO OF PERFECTION - most folks are creating their homes over time. Your decor can be an evolving work of art that changes to fit the needs of your family. Even when we create a space from scratch, we are always looking for elements that bring in patina and story and keep a space feeling collected and not catalog.

Powder Room Inspiration by Two Hands Interiors

This vanity was a vintage dresser that was refinished and now has a new life as a unique powder room piece. It adds character and warmth to the space.


4. MIX HIGH AND LOW - it’s important to invest in quality pieces that will hold up to family wear and tear, but that doesn’t mean everything has to be high end. Vintage art and pottery are great resources for cost effective decor.

Vintage bamboo mirror by Baker. Design by Two Hands Interiors

Here we splurged on a vintage bamboo mirror by Baker but stayed on budget by using an IKEA dresser in an unexpected shade of blue.


5. PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS - a gorgeous textile on a pillow, a vase of fresh branches from the yard, dimmers on the light switches or a pretty kitchen towel all layer in a feeling of care and attention. Beautiful spaces are about so much more than the most current kitchen counters.

Texture inspiration from Two Hands Interiors

A fresh plant, the texture of a woven basket, tassels on pillows and the coziest throw - all these details together make this spot feel so cozy and inviting.


6. CONTAIN CLUTTER - every few months I get inspired to clear out the detritus that has made it’s way into my home. Books on surfaces, bowls of tchotchkes, extra blankets on the couch or even a random bin of legos that belongs somewhere else. I open a bottle of wine and sort though the accumulations. Clearing those items out allows me to see my space with fresh eyes and appreciate the home I already have.

Kitchen Inspiration by Two Hands Interiors

An island without mail, forms to sign or random clutter that has no other home - yes, please.