At this new construction home with out-of-state clients, we met with the contractor and specialty trades to check on progress and fine tune design decisions.
When taking on building a new home or remodeling your current home, there are a lot of moving parts, timelines, budgets, ideas and experts from different trades. It can be overwhelming. And, often times, building a new home or a major renovation are once in a lifetime projects. So, it can all be new for someone. When we help clients through a major build, there are so many pieces of the puzzle that are simplified thanks to a synergy with a building team. This synergy is honestly worth its weight in gold and we’ll explain how it helps here.
Prepare before getting started. To start, depending on our clients needs, we will help provide recommended contractors for different types of projects. We can also help vet contractors - project bids can be detailed in different ways and it helps to be able to sort through them to compare apples to apples.
Beginning with the end in mind. Once a contractor is selected, before the project starts, is ideal timing to develop the design plan. This ensures that the overall look and feel a client is aiming for is achievable from the get-go. Having a space plan of furniture before the walls are built or cabinetry is ordered, will net a more cohesive home - with an intentional place for everything.
The design plan for this renovation was established well before the can lights were
added or this hardwood went down, allowing for optimal furniture placement.
Having your home or remodel planned in advance will also ensure critical decisions around lighting, electrical and fixtures are thought through. These rough-in’s come early in the project timeline, so having a jump on the overall plan is helpful. A professional lighting plan that anticipates layered lighting needs makes a big difference and the best way to implement one is to collaborate early - and often.
A built-in bookcase, complete with lighting is designed well in advance of electrical rough-in or cabinetry sourcing.
To add, material selections are important to discuss and decide early in the process. Finding elements that meet the design goals and can be executed by the build team is a balance across both needs.
Managing the ups and downs during construction. Simply, teams that communicate well, give you a better chance staying on schedule and completing your project on time. Plus, when hiccups happen (and they do on every project), a team that works well together is able to roll with the punches. Teams that have a good working relationship and respect each other, work together to put the client first and problem solve.
As a functional necessity, this radiator was a conversation from the start. However, we were
able to design this solution by working in tandem with our construction partners.
Wrapping up every last detail. At the end of your project, your builder can work with your design team to add those finishing touches. After all, it all comes down to details.
Here, Karen meets with a carpenter to
specify placement.
From day one of a project until the last piece is placed and finessed, having a design team and a build team that are bringing their own unique expertise together to collectively deliver a dream space for a client is really what it is all about. The synergy in this team not only makes for a smoother process, but a more thoughtful space.